onsdag 28 maj 2008


Yes, servers are live.
We all have our homes now. This radios home belongs now on BORI PVE EU

So, yall Bori people out there, get ready to have some great fun!


söndag 11 maj 2008

Hello everyone!

Age of Conan is soon upon ous. Less thene a week now. So therfore, i thought. Perhaps it's time for me to share a site to yall. As im swedish, im going to link you to my favorite and only AoC site.

I strongly recommend this to all sweds out there.
AoC Sweden

They do have a intressting interview ^^ for the swedish people out there.
Check it out here

Well anyways.
Cya on the show!
Brings loads of Requests and Shoutouts!

Best Regards